Friday, July 1, 2011

Dark Friday: Find Your Vampire Name

I love this kind of shit! Wanna know your vampire name? Check this out.

The Vampire Name Generator

So, of course, I had to check it out.

According to the generator

The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Moll Lake
Known in some parts of the world as:
Thief of Slaves In Chains
The Great Archives Record:
Silently this one moves amongst the helpless and the oppressed.

Whoa! I sound like a bad ass. Woot!!  How about you?  What's your vampire name?


  1. OMGosh, I love stuff like that too! Here's mine, I kinda like it! A future pen name??? lol
    The Great Archives determine you
    to have gone by the identity:
    Selene Beau Pre

    Known in some parts of the world as:
    Lodemai of The Tormented

    The Great Archives Record:
    A soul in torment and tumult - hell of their own making!

  2. LOL Here's mine:

    Persephone Oleander

    Known in some parts of the world as:
    Lilith of The Howling Wolves

    The Great Archives Record:
    Hot of blood and running wild with the hungry wolves.

    Too funny! :) Thanks!

  3. Those names are great. Hey, I like ya'll's better than mine. Boo!! lol!

  4. Bree, love that green-tinted pic. And, wow, Serena and Gabrielle, coolness names.

    Here's mine ~

    The Great Archives determine you
    to have gone by the identity:
    Poppy Wolf
    Known in some parts of the world as:
    Wraith of The Tormented
    The Great Archives Record:
    A soul in torment and tumult - hell of their own making!

  5. Thanks, Savanna. I've got a ton of vamp pics I'm eager to use!! Love your name. Sounds sweet and tough at the same time!!

  6. Apparently I'm:

    Maharani of The Night

    Known in some parts of the world as:
    Nemesis of Seducers

    The Great Archives Record:

    Beautiful and alluring - hiding great power, great danger.

    Well, that sounds pretty awesome, so I'm not going to argue! :D

  7. This is what I got:

    The Great Archives determine you
    to have gone by the identity:
    Chastity Marlow
    Known in some parts of the world as:
    Bast of The Vile
    The Great Archives Record:
    Vile, foul, filthy and greedy: this creature knows nothing of light.

    Wow--I guess I don't get to be a sexy vampire. Darn!

  8. Melissa, the description isn't the greatest, but I think you got the best name of all. lol!

  9. Thanks! It's not fair--look at what my husband got (who is now strutting and crowing, pun intended)

    The Great Archives determine you
    to have gone by the identity:
    Tom Flanders
    Known in some parts of the world as:
    Osiris of The Crows
    The Great Archives Record:
    Intelligent, knowing, wise and shrewd. This winged one was cast from the firmament.

  10. Ah....I don't know what to say. lol!

  11. God, I love mine! Veronique Arnauld, known as the Minerva of Whores. The Great Archives Record that I'm beautiful, evil seductive and dangerous. Plus I drive a VW Jetta. The Great Archives left that out.

  12. lol! Pat...perfect and the Jetta too!!

  13. Well, I had to try it, didn't I????
    I am:
    Marchioness of Flesh
    Seductress of The Howling Wolves
    Hot of blood and running wild with the hungry wolves.

    Sounds exhausting! Be back later for your six.

  14. Of course you did, Liz!! lol!
